Arkanoid documentation

Arkanoid clone game docs. Project GitHub repo.


struct Audible
struct AxisAlignedOneWayCollider

One-sided collider suitable for walls and platforms.

Public Functions

inline AxisAlignedOneWayCollider(const float displacement_value, const CollisionSide collision_side_value)

Constructor initialising collider with displacement and collision side values.

  • displacement_value[in] displacement of active collision side from left of window, for left and right colliders, displacement from top of window for top and bottom colliders.

  • collision_side_value[in] either top, right, bottom or left depending on active collision side. For example, LEFT indicates collider will only register collisions from an object moving right, hitting the left side

struct Ball

Ball ECS tag.

struct Brick

Brick ECS tag.

struct CircleComponent
struct CollisionBox
struct Destructible

Destructible component, used for entities that deliver points on destruction.

Public Members

int points_value

Points earned by the player for destroying the destructible.

struct GameState
struct LevelBrick
struct Paddle

Paddle ECS tag.

struct Position
struct RectangleComponent
struct Timer
struct Velocity
struct Wall

Wall ECS tag.